Legal Escorts For Hire

How To Avoid Prostitutes In Vegas

Let’s Cut To The Chase

Escorts are legal, prostitutes are not

Let’s boil down everything into a few key take a ways. First, escorts are not prostitutes. These are girls you simply pay for their time. Whatever happens after that is between two consenting adults. Next, there are no legal brothels in Las Vegas. Zero. Bupkiss. You have to leave the city for license brothels.

Lastly, don’t roll into a strip club thinking you’re going to just grab the hottest stripper and plow out back behind the dumpster. Do you have any idea how often the girls are offered this? They make great money working as strippers and they don’t want to risk getting fired and blackballed from every strip club in the city. You’re gonna have to throw the down payment of a new house the girl’s way if you even want her to consider it, and even then it probably won’t happen. When considering how much does a prostitute cost in Vegas, state law says it’s better not even thinking about it.

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How It Works

You can head out to a houses of prostitution outside of Clark County. All of these women have licenses to work as prostitutes and they are regularly tested for disease (another reason why you want to go with a girl here than an illegal girl off of the street). The prostitution laws Vegas has are designed to keep both you and the girls safe. Do be aware that the rates might surprise you. This isn’t the $20 for a blowie situation. You’re going to pay good money. Want cheap sex workers? Head to Tijuana. Want a bombshell prostitute outside of Vegas? You’re going to pay for it.

Heading out to one of the neighboring county brothels is its own experience, and it can suck a number of things, including your time. Instead, get the best bang for your buck and your watch by booking yourself one of the local Vegas escorts. If you want to know where to find girls closer to the strip with background checks, you can hire yourself an escort. With an escort, you can hire a mature woman, a younger (legal) woman. A black girl, a redhead, a Latina, a blonde. From here you’ll pay to reserve the girls time through an escort service’s website. And then, when you meet up, you can discuss with her what your time will look like and what would be legal in Las Vegas.

Avoid The Scams

Is Prostitution Legal?

For starters, you need to know how to avoid prostitutes in Vegas. This begins with street prostitutes. This is not legal in the state of Nevada. In fact, it’s not legal anywhere. Even if you cross the county lines you can’t just pick a girl up off the street. So don’t start driving around, looking for girls to pick up. Because calling your wife from the slammer because you accidently picked up on solicitation charges isn’t a good look. You might come across prostitute flyers around town. These flyers will likely have a phone number or an address. Typically, the phone number or address will be for a brothel outside of town. If it is in town or if it’s for booking a prostitute to come to your hotel do not, by any means, proceed. Engaging in prostitution is, again illegal.

There is no such thing as legal prostitution in Vegas. If anyone else tells you otherwise do not listen to them. Lastly, prostitutes in Vegas casinos don’t really exist. At least not at the casinos on the Strip. If anyone is even believed to be a prostitute they will instantly be kicked out and banned. Now, there are some pretty good under-the-radar girls who will seek out lonely guys. So if you’re sitting at the bar and a woman who, obviously, is well out of your league, sidles up next to you, starts chatting, and asks to go back to your room, don’t go for it. She’s either a prostitute or it’s a scam. Well that’s not far off from what happens here. Feel free to talk with these women if you want, but don’t go up to any hotel rooms with them.

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You Know What You Want

You’re in Vegas for action and trying to play the dance of mingling with locals, trying to find others looking for something casual, or even trying to slide some cash towards a stripper just doesn’t sound like a great investment of time. There’s something to be said about anyone who knows what they want. You’re in Vegas and you want to get your rocks off. Naturally, you’re assuming you are going to head out and take advantage of the prostitution in Las Vegas. Here’s the thing about that though. Las Vegas prostitutes are illegal. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless you’re charged with a felony. That’s something that’ll follow you wherever you go (and trust us, plenty of lawyers have tried to throw that line at judges, and it has yet to pass).

But don’t get discouraged. While you might have Googled searched, “is prostitution legal,” what you might not realize is that while a prostitute in Vegas is a no go, all you need to do is head outside of the county lines. Because prostitution is legal in Nevada in every single county, except for where Las Vegas and Reno are. As soon as you cross that county line, you’re going to find plenty of hot spots for some serious prostitution action. One thing to keep in mind though is if you’re considering an escort. An escort is not a prostitute and while the prostitutes Vegas might have wandering the back streets aren’t legal, it is perfectly on the level to hire an escort while visiting the city.

If you are not familiar with Vegas prostitution laws, you may find yourself in trouble. Our escorts will help you find the sin you are looking for so you can avoid the risk.

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